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Empowerment of the exploited rural population is one of the lofty missions of this institution. We do this at different levels primarily to remedy their problems we aim at the long term goal of achieving distributive justice, to this end we begin with their socio-economic capacity building as a short term strategy. The following are some of the ways through which we effect this empowerment process slowly and steadily.

Self-help Groups
We have formed 75 self-help groups so far and they are functioning well. In each group there are 15-20 members. We have also arranged for the matching grant from the Local Banks and all the activities pertaining to this work are carried out well. Apart from their financial well-being, leadership training is offered periodically for the leaders of the SHG members in their own village ambience. Nearly 150 women are trained in these courses and they are efficient leaders in animating and leading the Self-help groups in their villages.

Evening Study Centres – BEST (Bosco Evening Study & Tuition)
There are hundreds of children who daily go to the primary and middle schools which lack proper teachers and basic facilities. They lack personal follow-up, since these villages are in remote corners no officials care to visit them. We strongly believe that basic education is the first step in the process of empowerment. Every day we reach out to nearly 850 children in 20 villages. We organise regular classes for them in their own village at a suitable place with paid tutors, who take personal care in imparting knowledge.

Educational Scholarships (Don Bosco Foundation)
We take empowerment through education seriously and as a result of this, we make sure that none of the students drops out of school or stop studying after 10th &12th std. We facilitate educational scholarship through our "Don Bosco Foundation” and encourage many youngsters to do their higher studies. We also make known to the parents and guardians about different educational scholarship schemes that are available under different categories both from the government and private circles.

Career Guidance and Job placement (Don Bosco Vazhikaatti)
This service plays a vital role in giving the young the meaning and purpose for their lives. We, through the expertise that we have gained over the years, analyse the aptitude and identify the stream of studies that would suit the students most. Once their studies are over we place them on jobs through our own statewide job placement network (Don Bosco Vazhikaatti). We network with many corporates and placement agencies and conduct periodic job melas.

Media Education & Awareness (DBICA)
Annually we reach out to at least 100 schools with the aim of creating media awareness among the school going children especially 10th std and above. With the ever-growing technology of communication and mass media, we can’t deny the ill effects it's casting on young innocent minds. As a result of this many are becoming slaves to the TV, internet, video games and mobile phones. We empower them to view the media critically and also use it responsibly.

Summer Camp
Annually we conduct a month-long summer camp for the school going children from the neighbouring villages during the annual holidays. The number of children who attend this camp at the main centre ranges from 200-300. The main objective of this programme is to give chance for children to learn something new, express their talents through various competitions, improve their general knowledge, good manners and soft skills, build up leadership skills, initiate reading habits, educate them in personal hygiene etc.