(BASE – Bosco Academy for Skills & Employment) is a network of 125 Don Bosco skill training centres spread across 25 states in the country making it the largest NGO engaged in livelihood training in India. All the centres provide employment-linked, market-oriented vocational training of short duration to the economically and socially marginalised youth. Presently there are four courses running namely ISMO (Industrial Sewing Machine Operator, Computer Hardware, ITES (IT Enabled Services) and Catering. Apart from these we have regular training in tailoring, handicrafts etc. Through this scheme, we would like to train and place at least 350 candidates per year in the job market and thus provide a livelihood for those BPL (below poverty line) families. To achieve this yeomen task we are constantly lobbying and networking with major corporate firms.
‘BOSCO Fashions’ is a recent venture with a state-of-the-art facility for garment making which provides training and job placement to around 250 poor rural youth. We are working out different ways and means and looking for partners who are willing to partner with Don Bosco in other domains like BPO, Alternative Energy Sources in mutually beneficial ways.